Friday, July 15, 2011

Sketches: work in progress on a themed set designed for us by Tod Wills!

Hi to all!
Welcome to the post of the series "Sketches". In post like this we'll going to explore the work behind a themed set designed exclusively for Stamp Art Fever.
We'll see the primordial study of the artworks and we'll give to you info about the availability on the game of the final work as stamp.
We'll also introduce to you the illustrator behind the art and we'll ask you to comment, comment and comment!
Stamp Art Fever team

This is the time of: Tod Wills!

Great illustrator and friend of Stamp Art Fever. You can see his website here: Tod | The Story Dragon .
Tod will creates for Stamp Art Fever a fantasy-like themed set with his original style!

Sketch 1

Sketch 2

We will see this themed set on Stamp Art Fever
with the release of the Version 9 (September)


  1. I already love the 4th ...will be rare?

  2. Finally a Fantasy theme! I Like it!


  3. Awesome! Do you have in mind to do a Dragons set?

  4. :) I like so much this....

  5. What a great opportunity to follow the development of a new collection - from the very beginning to finished stamps. Thanks to the developers and artists for sharing these sketches with us. I wonder if there will be a storyline - can't wait to find out!


  6. Anke qsto è molto affascinante, ke dire... Grazie x questo fantastico lavoro ke state facendo :) settembre è un pò come il lunedì... Più tardi arriva meglio è xD ma qsta volta nn vedo l'ora!!!
