Monday, July 18, 2011

Sketches: work in progress on a themed set designed for us by Lee Setiawan!

Hi to all!
Welcome to the first post of the series "Sketches". In post like this we'll going to explore the work behind a themed set designed exclusively for Stamp Art Fever.
We'll see the primordial study of the artworks and we'll give to you info about the availability on the game of the final work as stamp.
We'll also introduce to you the illustrator behind the art and we'll ask you to comment, comment and comment!
Stamp Art Fever team

This is the time of : Lee Setiawan!

It's indescribable the beauty of the works of Lee, the only thing you can do is visit his great website:
The theme chosed with Lee is suitable only for strong stomachs .....

Sketch 1

Sketch 2

We will see this themed set on Stamp Art Fever
with the release of the Version 9 (September)


  1. Why do not release these great themes with V8 !??!?! ...I can't wait until V9 !! :P

  2. An horror theme!? wowowowow

  3. I have got to admit, this is the set I most look forward to! Just when I think StampArt has finally out done themselves they prove me wrong! To you Mr Lee I ask you sir, what are the odds of me getting an autograph on a printed version of your Killer stamps?

  4. Bellissimo adoro l'HoOrRoOrRrRr!!!

  5. I hate to ruin the party, but I can guarantee that if you release artwork that commemorates serial killers of recent history, you're going to get the kind of attention you don't want. I would strongly suggest you stick with fiction or older history, and leave out the Mansons, Ted Bundys, etc.

  6. Hi,
    stamps in game do not celebrate or commemorate, of course, violence or killers. In general all the artworks in game do not commemorate nothing. But at most they telling stories... as a film or series, as a book or a comic.


  7. I understand your viewpoint, and I'm not arguing against it; I'm just telling you what is going to happen.
